
X3 albion prelude terran commander guide
X3 albion prelude terran commander guide

Right now it is running with my light fighter shields which I moved over and scrapped. No wonder it was so cheap the shields cost 100,000c each and it can carry upto 5. Outfitting my damaged transporter is its own advanture. I order the wing to the nearest trade station and upgrade speed ! There goes all my money again. My saber upgraded runs at 275 m/s while the others from 140-160 m/s (no wonder why the fighter wing was spread across the system) I also realised that my light fighters acting as a fighter wing lagging behind. Not much good as a fighter but once I fit it out with life support can be used as a fast transport for personal transport missions. Its in poor condition at the moment being shot up but as luck would have it its navigation computer still works and I order it the nearest ship yard for repairs.įuji Raider looks like a keeper it has insane top spend and acceleration. (Saber fighter start ship you get when you play as Terran)įuji Raiders Pirates attack, there no match for my squadron of light fighters the last enemy fighter ejects !!! I capture a enemy raider vessel, one short space walk to the craft to override the computer system and claim its mine. I dock my transporter and order the fighter escort to also dock then I transfer into my saber light fighter (flying escort to my transporter) I leave this sector behind make my way to an equipment dock, stopping off at a mine complex to sell my cargo.Īs I fly around I find a defence mission which was paying decent amount of money. if that thing moves at me I have no chance in my transport !!! Its sitting on the trade route and killing off transporters, the space around it is filled with flotspans which are worth tons of money. I watch as the local defence forces try to take it on and watch them get ripped apart. Next sector I see this a Khax destroyer !!! Hopefully make a good profit on my cargo. And away we go to an equipment dock in the next sector

x3 albion prelude terran commander guide

I assign my five light fighters as escort. So I pick a half a cargo of solar cells to sell. Well I do have cash but need it for trading.Ĭant even take on a trade contract, because its cargo space isnt upgraded and engine is too damaged since most contracts have time limits.

x3 albion prelude terran commander guide

Wow this thing is slow, it has nothing in it at all at the moment and I dont have cash for repairs. Currently just picked up a old and very beat up Transporter.

X3 albion prelude terran commander guide